Thursday, July 8, 2010

Travels with Simon and Schuster

Good morning
Day 3.................. somehow Day 2 got away from us, time flies. We spent a good part of the day beading and laughing.The bus driver spent most of the morning working. Lizzie and I made use of WalMart State Park and bought more beading supplies. Shotgun, AKA Rosary Man, the interpreter
smoked his pipe and helped Lizzie and me with our knots.
Scuster was a little under the weather, but now he is ready to play. Simon spent a lot of time snuggling.
So., here we are at Day 3, On the Road again.Willie did his thing and we are on the way to the Badlands. I think I said that before.
We spent the night in Sioux Falls............... they were incredible.
A lot of pollution though, both in the water and the air.
The bus driver and Shotgun are having a great time yacking away.
The current discussion is the fact that we are at the dump station. Wow !
Lizzie and I are planning a Garden Party for the end of the summer..................we think it will be in honor of Kai. So put your thinking caps on and think about what you will wear; hats , gloves, the whole thing.
That's all for now from Simon and Schuster.
Until we meet again
Love, Simon and Schuster

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

and from Karla.........The bandanas are tied,Willy has sung, and we are on our way! Too bad you are not here......oh well, we are thinking of you. Jon just picked up the new trailer and we (meaning Randi and I) think it would be the perfect float for next year's 4th, We will be the queens, and you get to pick a theme! As long as it is cowboy. It has a hard wood floor so I think you can work with it!
We are probably going to have to have a plant of the day, since I am missing my garden, See if you can guess today's entry, as soon as I can figure out how to post it. There may be a prize at the end of the trip
I'm not sure what contest I will come up with to deal with missing Kit and Justin.
Simon and Schuster have been great travel companions It's impossible not to pick favorites......I'll tell you when we get home. Randi has assured me that they understand english, so we have to be careful.
The highlight of today is still to come, but all has been wonderful so far.
We are learning so much ......don't call Jon if you may end up with JEFF.....there are issues.
"Head west young man" just echoed from the front of our re-invented VW bus. So with the wind in our hair, smoke in our eyes, Idealism in our hearts, we go forth to meet our destiny!!!!!

Travels with Simon and Schuster

Here I go again................. my blog was eaten by cyber space.
Not fun!
Onward we go......actually we are going the southern route to the Badlands.
Willy sang our song and we are on the road again.
A great time is being had by all, the boys like the idea of friends traveling with us.
( they brought really great food and lots.)
We brought alcohol. SURPISE!
Karla is wearing her red bandana and she is getting one big YEE-HA for it.
The computer knows nothing of cowboys.............. it thinks I mean banana.
Not by a long shot!
Simon and Schuster are sound asleep enjoying the ride
So we sign off until we meet again............. Good old Roy
Lots of love, Simon and Schuster
Good morning there everyone. We are On the Road Again with Simon amd Schuster.
Willy has not sung his song yet........this is a pre-trip blog. Friends are traveling with us this time and we are going to Montana to express our cowboyness
and do a little Yee Ha-ing.
Kai turns 30 on July 17. That is what started the whole idea of this trip............... the idea of being with her on her birthday.
Our friends Karla and Jeff got involved. The plan originally was to go to the Stampede in Calgary.
Ideas began to flow and now here we are on our way to Montana already to express ourselves.
Some of have boots, hats or a mixture of cowboy helps in the expression of our
emerging cowboy selves.
The boys are all ready for their next adventure, they don't want to miss anything or the possibility of being left behind, so we are joined at the hip.
Well, I better finish my packing so I don't get left behind.
See you On the Road Again
Simon and Schuster

Monday, June 7, 2010

on the road

Here I am again......... getting ready to go back on the road again........tomorrow
Check in with and follow us back home. We are in Eugene visiting and working with Kai. She is the ED for IWRC and has a virtual office. Kai and Jon have really been working hard on financials. Gabe has been helping with Web issues.........everyone has been soooooooo generous with their time.
Gabe and Laney have come to visit this weekend. It is always great to be together!!!!!!!
Now everyone is saying fairwell until next time.
So adios for now, till we meet again

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 6

Good morning.
I am a little slow today. It feels like Monday!
The good thing is that it is warming up. It is over 40. WOW, it is a heat wave!
Kai is in the front seat working ( she gets car sick ) so I am being kind and not giving her grief about it. I am starting to enjoy the back, I sit at the table and write or wattch for Rapors. It is my own personal space.............. and I need it.
We are leaving Albaquerque and driving on to Tempe to Gabe's.. We are arriving a few days eary
so he will be surprised. Happy I hope.
Even though I am looking forward to seeing them ( Gabe and Laney ) I hate to leave New
Mexico. I feel so healthy here. It feels like my soul has been set free.
I think it is another sleepy day for the boys. They are snuggled up together, feet hanging off the edge of the couch......... have I said before what a hard life they have? They really are a comedy team! Boys of my heart.
On a serious note, I tried doing Tai Cai when I got up this morning. Laugh! Boy was I out of sync. I was happy no one was around..............just the boys and didn't dare laugh.
A long way to go.
travels with simon and Schuster.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

day 5

Hi there fellow travelers!
It is a beautiful sunny day out here in New Mexico.
We are on our way to Santa Fe (RENT). We are about 90 miles away.............. to a
Starbucks. Are we addited or what????
There is another person traveling with us. We picked her up at the airport in Colorado Springs
Bet you can't guess where the first place we went was!!!! Kai and I raced in to the local Tj.
With a sigh of relief we shopped around for bargins. ( it is only fun if you get a deal )
It is so great to have Kai with us. She is working alot! She and the bus driver are having great times talking business. WOW .............. I also lost my seat at the front of the bus.
My perspective from back here is interesting. Have I said how much I LOVE New Mexico!
The boys are sleeping. This travel takes a lot out of you if you are a POODLE.
After we are done playing in Santa Fe, we will head to Albuquerque to do a little IWRC business...
I have been negletful again with my Raptor watch........... so I think I will get back to my business
of looking. ( from the back of the bus )
Travels with Simon and Schuster

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 3

Good morning everyone!
Willie just sent us on our way.......................... what a guy!
BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE ( as Gabe and Laney would sing)
Hope it gets warmer soon, my finger tips are numb.
Our world is another gray day out here on the road. It is making the dogs sleepy.
The boys are sacked out on the couch as we drive down the road.............. they need some hobbies. Maybe they won't sleep as much then. HA
Well it is a dogs life.
The boys don't drink coffee, but they didn't mind our stop in North Platte's Starbucks.
We have to check them all out, and the bus driver needed his 6 shots of espresso.
That should be a good buzz.
We are now in MT time. It is always nice to gain that hour. ( if only we didn't loose it on the other end )
Just saw two RTH's sitting in a tree,side by side.
I love it! It is one of my favorite sights.
Yesterday was not a great day for spotting Raptors, too overcast and WINDY. Plus, there were NO trees. What is Nebraska thinking........... it would make such a difference if there was a tree line ( or snow fence ) next to the freeway............... good old hwy 80.
Oh my gosh, the sun is out! I would do a little jig, but I am in my seat belt. Blue sky!
I am going to sign off for now.
Have a good day everyone.
travels with Simon and Schuster

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 2

Good morning America! Day 2 and we are on the road again. Willie already sang of course,
We hit the closest Starbucks, picked up some music and here we are, on the way to Omaha.
Cathy asked about Dorothy yesterday, so I will fill everyone in. Dorothy is from OZ an she is our GPS. She is trying to get home, but I swear she is NEVER going to make it, with or without the ruby slippers.
She gets so confused and thinks she is in Australia. She does have her moments though.
Yesterday I saw about 35 Buteo's ( Raptor with a wing span longer than the tail length )
We saw 2 Eaagles and a handful of Kestrels. The Ferruginous were incredible.
They are a large (largest ) Buteo. If you see them flying they have a light underbelly with some brown mottling.
When sitting, they look like their head is too small for their body and the feathers on the legs come down to the feet. They can get to 25 inches tall, they look huge!
The boys (Simon and Schuster) don't really care about the birds.
They are asleep, it is a hard life. Afterall they did have to go out in the cold and walk
around and go to the bathroom. Ah........the life of a dog. They do like to listen to music though.
My son Gabe is a muscian and we will put one of his CD's on soon. The boys think he is great, ,espicially when Laney sings with him.
Life s pretty darn good when your husband is the bus driver ( his comment ) and your son sings and your daughter travels with you in her virtual office. I am the luckiest woman in the galaxy.
It is another gray day , but we are missing the storm that is brewing behind us. A lot less stress to travel without bad weather.
Iowa sure has bumpy roads...............good thing no one gets car sick here.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hi there!
Looks like I picked up a few friends.
I love you guys!
Well, we are at the end of our driving day.............. the first day is always the hardest. My bus driver gets a little sore.
At the end of the day I went to a TjMaxx in De Moines.
This is where we will stay tonight............... at Wal Mart State Park.
Snow is coming tomorrow, big surprise!
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
travels with Simon and Schuster.
Hi there all you wonderful friends and family!
We are on our way to Colorado Springs where we will be picking Kai up from the airport at noon
on the 23rd. Then Jon leaves to go to Hibbing ,MN for buisness for a few days and Kai and I are staying in a lovely park untill Jon gets back.We all seem to have virtual offices these days.
Kai has just started a job as Director of IWRC ( International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council )
and Jon and I are trying out a new lifestyle.
Gabe is home in Tempe, but more about him later.
So much for the sun. Ever since I said that, it has been snowing.
But we will travel on......... after all, Starbucks is still out there for us.
The boys are sleeping now. Nothing exciting for them right now. What a life.
I have only seen one redtail hawk so far. Must be the weather.
The bus driver says hello.
The bus driver's father wants to know if we are staying at Wal Mart State Park tonight.
How cute is that?
More later
travels with Simon and Schuster

On the road again

Well, here we go, on the road again!
Simon and Schuster are anxious to get going. They are right up front, sitting like statues,
We had Willie send us off with his music On The Road Again ( as always......we do not
leave without Willie )
The roads are clear and the SUN is out. Great traveling weather.
I am on the lookout for birds of prey, so for some of you this may get boring ( it is
quite exciting to me )
That is how my travel journaling started out. My first journals were an accounting of the number of Raptors we saw. The more we were on the road, the more I had to say. Suprise!
As some of you may already know, we are traveling in a different motor home than in the past.
We have a new SONG BIRD............... a 41 footer! ( a Class A diesel pusher )
More about that later.
We are on a mission to find a Whole Foods ( I need walnuts) The closest is 900 miles.
We may have to wait a bit....... like till we are almost to our destination.
My usual mission is to find (and stop at ) all the TjMaxx stores that are on our route.
Jon is very tolerant of these whims of mine and is usually very cooperative in finding them for me. ( Dorothy helps also )
I am going to sign off for a while, I am neglecting my Raptor counting duty.
More later........... alot I am pictures
travels with Simon and Schuster